New Press Release

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We inform you that Officine Marchetti are following all the directives that our government has put in place. We are also following our R.U.C.E: “Risk Under Catastrophic Events” protocol. We have forced all collaborators to stay at home, thanks to a good computer system we can work from home and guarantee all services to customers, suppliers and employees. In our factory we work, following a strict health protocol, to ensure maximum health safety for everyone. To respect this protocol, we ask for everyone's collaboration; we invite you to use the telephone, the video conferences (we are equipped) not to move and not to leave the house or visit our factories for any reason. For any communication, write or call us. We are there for you! At this moment we appreciate more and more our freedom and joy of living in a world where we are all one big family. We at Officine Marchetti believe that suppliers, customers, agents and employees are a large and wonderful family, when everything passes we will have the opportunity to celebrate together with all of you!

Arianna Marchetti 

CEO of Officine Marchetti

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