Stone Smart Fair 2020

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Marchetti announces its participation in the I Edition of the STONE SMART FAIR 2020, an initiative hosted by the Stonecash platform, born from the idea of ​​Dr. Filippo Mazzei and Dr. Margherita Giannotti two brilliant young Italians living in London.

COVID-19,  banned all of us in the past few weeks, and as a result, we have suffered a sudden loss of personal freedom. Now, we enter a phase of rules, to protect ourselves from a possible spread of the virus.

Our projects have been slowed down by the virus, but not canceled, our life continues, and the professional life continues with the STONE SMART FAIR 2020, on May 27 we want to see our friends, our customers, our technicians, our suppliers, our agents. We want to talk about our common projects. To plan our future, for the good of our companies, and developing of new ideas. We will celebrate the life of our business community at STONE SMART FAIR 2020 while we wait to shake hands! 

On behalf of all the Marchetti staff, a warm greeting!

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