Arianna Marchetti looks to the future

Arianna Marchetti changes the role and looks to the future: "I become the company's CIO to win new challenges".

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Arianna Marchetti after 34 years as CEO of Marchetti changes her role becoming CIO with a more operational role wading to the challenges of the future for the family business and reveals her strategies. Marchetti is one of the most important and long-lasting companies in the Italian industry and with its hydraulic tensioners for stone working represents an excellence exported all over the world. Much of the merit of the success achieved in these years is from Arianna Marchetti, who since 1986 is at the head of the company as CEO. Now, after a change at the top of the management, the founder’s daughter Cesare has decided to play the role of CIO, a role of responsibility more creative and visionary than administrative. In an era in which action and immediacy in making decisions is increasingly important, Arianna Marchetti decides to go even further in the field to bring the company to the challenges of the future even in new and stimulating areas.

Interview by Thomas Cardinali of Talky Media Magazine to Chief Innovation Officer Arianna Marchetti.

TC: “How do you see yourself in the new role of Chief Innovation Officer after so many years as CEO?”

AM: “I have held the position of CEO for 34 years, I have faced many challenges, and I have seen generations go by, retired many employees, traveled the world and now comes a new challenge.”

TC: “Did you think of retiring?”

AM: “Absolute not. I wouldn't be able to stay without working and far from the company.”

TC: “Can you better describe your new role within Marchetti Tech?”

AM: “The role of the Chief Innovation Officer is to create new working groups, to do research and development.”

TC: “How do you plan to do it?”

AM: “First of all, let's start with the team. My idea is to give an opportunity to young people. My immediate commitment is to create a team of young people who can bring new energy.”

TC: “Do you believe so much in young people? Someone says they have no experience.”

AM: “Experience is undoubtedly essential, our goal is to improve things, invent new things, we need to dream, to create new processes, to give voice to young people means to live our time. When we have created projects, they will pass to the examination of the experienced team to evaluate the feasibility of the project.”

TC: “Do you already have something in mind?”

AM: “Of course, we start from the working method, we are thinking outside the box. The new team will have new workspaces, methods, and schedules. We have to break down the walls, close with certain convictions, with the repetition of useless meetings and reports. Giving space to expression means getting rid of the beliefs that lead us always to see things with the same eyes.”

TC: “Say more, what kind of orientation will your guide have with this new role? Are you financially results-oriented?”

AM: “I just told You that we have to break with the old patterns. We are planning to create new things, achieve a different level of experience, improve quality of life, making business more sustainable. Maximum respect for the environment is our beliefs, we only want to work with renewable energy, use new technology to pollute less, work in harmony and reach a level of serenity among all the employees.”

TC: “Does it seems a perfect project? Tell me instead of from a financial point of view?”

AM: “My method is straightforward when I develop a project. I never think about economic factors because money can undermine the result. We think about creating an excellent product or service, nothing more and then, believe me, the financial result is a consequence.”

TC: “In your role as Chief Innovation Officer, do you intend to dialogue with other companies or institutions?”

AM: “Yes, in the coming days, we are starting a whole series of meetings with universities and research institutes, to present some projects already outlined. We also have collaborations with other multinational companies with which we will develop joint projects.”

TC: “How will these projects be funded?”

AM: “Most of these projects are financed directly by our companies and by investment funds that believe deeply in our managerial skills.”

TC: “I wish you all the best, for your new assignment and I hope to interview you again.”

AM: “Thanks to you.”

Milan, Italy 30 July 2020