Responsible use of water

The Marchetti CTO Tiziano Boccomino: “Let's change processes and methods”.


Eng. Tiziano Boccomino, in an interview with the journalist Thomas Cardinali of Talky Media Magazine, talks about the changes in production processes to avoid wasting water.

Water is the most precious commodity in the world! Today millions of people, unfortunately, cannot access even the drinking water, essential for survival. Large companies such as Marchetti must fight to reduce waste, become the spokesmen of a strong environmental message. After having equipped all employees and collaborators with a water bottle to reduce the consumption of plastic bottles, Marchetti has gone beyond modifying, in a significant way, the production process to reduce water waste to the minimum possible. Marchetti’s CTO talks about the news in this interview with journalist Thomas Cardinali.

TC: “Responsible drinking? I did not know that Marchetti had entered the alcohol market.”

TB: “No, we certainly don't sell alcohol at Marchetti Company (laughs, Editor's note). We are just worried about a nefarious and uncontrolled use of one of the most precious goods on Earth, the water. Consider that one out of nine people in the world does not have access to drinking water. In 2020 this is unacceptable and must lead us to make reflections. In the eighth edition of the World Water Forum, held in Brasilia, it emerged that by 2025 half of the world population will live in high hydrogeological stress areas. We have to change now; there is no more time!”

TC: "What can we do to solve the problem?"

TB: "The problem is not easy to solve, the world's greats meet periodically, we try to make strategic choices to reduce the lack of water: making processes efficient to mitigate the waste of water resources is a fundamental step. On the other hand, we must and can change our habits, especially in the company production process."

TC: “How you are planning toreduce water waste at Marchetti Company?” 

TB: “Since the responsibility for the technical management of the Company is mine, I introduced a whole series of operating measures, we are committed to bringing out a culture aimed at avoiding unnecessary waste of water. We reviewed all the production processes, measured and calculated our water use, intervened with the replacement of old machinery with new ones, more modern, and less aggressive means towards the environment. We have evaluated the use of water only when it is necessary for our industrial processes. We have also installed timers for toilets and showers. Then there are bad habits, useless waste that we do every day through actions that we repeat cyclically in daily life. For example, I am thinking of the washing of vehicles and cars, and we must do it only when necessary.” 

TC: “In addition to reducing water wastage, are these measures also decreasing costs?

TB: "Yes, absolutely, in addition to reducing waste, you also minimize significant business costs, if you pay the right attention. You see, if you respect the environment and manage companies to encourage sustainability, in the end, there is also a notable cost saving as well as you are feeling good about doing the right thing.”

TC: "Do you think that is enough to save the planet from rampant drought?"

TB: “It is certainly not enough, but it is a start! We want to trigger a virtuous mechanism, to be the switch that can activate a cultural change. We want the new generations to look at this primary good of our planet with a different view and respect. We, as a company and civil society, felt the need to do something."

TC: "Do you want to add anything else?"

TB: "Sure, drink responsibly!"

TC: "So, see you the next drink!"

Thomas Cardinali

Journalist of Talky Media Magazine