Virtual Fairs

We strongly believe in sustainable growth, therefore we are “big fans” of Smart Fairs. We avoid unnecessary CO2 emissions and, consequently, useless trips. We show our face, we do it with Smart Fairs.

Marchetti has decided to make investments in favor of the use of Smart Fairs and all the technologies that can help us save CO2 emissions and, at the same time, serve and assist our customers all over the globe.

Marchetti has signed a three-year contract with the Stone SmartFair, the fair of fairs. Thanks to their program we are able to participate in all virtual fairs in the world, without wasting time. We can upload all the information concerning our company in real time and reach our customers through all the collaborators. The Stone SmartFair will be live from September 30th 2020 and, meanwhile, we will participate in the first virtual edition of the Marmo+mac ReStart, which will be held from September 30th to October 2nd 2020.

We invite all customers, collaborators, suppliers to connect and stay tuned on Marchetti Social Networks.

Marchetti Management

Marchetti Booth 2018.jpg